IGCSE Centres

igcse centres

Despite the fact that IGCSEs don’t usually involve coursework or controlled assessment, teachers at IGCSE centres are required to send their students predicted grades. Teachers grade students’ work based on the results of past exams, activities, and assignments. Predicted grades are much more secure than those that are calculated based on results from exams. Some subjects, like science and social studies, can be taken for both exam sittings, which makes the process more convenient. Find out – sjecho.com.my

Provide You With A Wide Range Of Subjects For You To Choose From

The IGCSE qualification is internationally recognized and is a major indicator that students have completed their high school education. Students aged 14 and up can sit IGCSE exams. The exam is offered at a variety of IGCSE centres around the world. If you’re interested in learning more about IGCSEs, consider taking your child to a Cambridge IGCSE centre. These schools offer a variety of classes that will prepare you for the exam.

GCSE results are graded from A* to E on a 5 point scale. A* and A grades are the highest and are regarded as ‘A’ grades. B and C grades are two and one point respectively. The University of Iowa requires students to achieve fifteen to sixteen points to study medicine. Fourteen to sixteen points are necessary for courses like engineering. Applicants should have good O level results.