Our Expert Physio Team

Our Expert Physio Team happily welcomes any and all musculoskeletal worries like pain or stiffness across the body. This includes neck and back pain (cervical, thoracic or lumbar), shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand injuries as well as Hip + pelvic, Knee and ankle problems. The team also offers rheumatology care including Rheumatoid arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis and Sjogren’s syndrome.

We can also help with a wide range of paediatric sporting injuries like osgood-schlatters disease, sever’s disease and growing pains as well as injury management, strength + conditioning and performance optimisation for the budding athlete. Our Physiotherapy expertise can even assist with the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of spinal bone injuries, low bone density cases (osteoporosis and osteopenia) and fractures (spinal, foot, hip, knee, tibia, femur and pelvic).

Expert Physio Team: How Rehab Lab’s Specialists Guide Your Recovery

Neuro physiotherapy (also known as ‘Neuromuscular Therapy’ or NMT) covers a multitude of intervention techniques for patients with neurological disorders such as stroke, brain injury, motor learning issues, and complex movement disorders like Parkinson’s disease. Our physiotherapists are trained in Neuro-Developmental Theory and the LSVT BIG program for Parkinson’s disease.

Research shows that regular physical activity can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, as well as improve mental health outcomes. Physiotherapy can provide psychological, social and occupational support to those struggling with these conditions as well as providing exercise programs to enhance physical well-being. Physiotherapy can also be a valuable tool for pain management, offering non-pharmacological approaches that can significantly reduce chronic pain.

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