What Solar Incentives Are Available in Oregon?
The state of Oregon has several incentives and subsidies for homeowners who want to install solar panels. They can help lower the cost of installation and also pay for themselves sooner. Some solar incentives in the state can save a homeowner over $800 per year. URL : https://www.smartsolarenergyco.com/oregon-residential-solar-incentives/
Does Oregon give tax credit for solar panels?
The Energy Trust of Oregon offers the largest renewable energy incentive program in the state. It has cash incentives and also a federal tax credit. If you buy a solar panel or a battery system, you’ll get a tax credit of up to 30% of the total cost.
Another great Oregon incentive is net metering. It is a policy that allows you to sell excess electricity your PV system produces. This is a major money-saving incentive that will drastically shorten your payback time.
For a home with an average-sized rooftop, the maximum solar incentive available from the Energy Trust is $2,400. A low-income homeowner can receive an additional $1,500. These are payments that are made directly to the contractor who installed the system.
The Solar + Storage program is another statewide incentive. It’s designed to help Oregon homeowners access the capacity of solar batteries. With a solar energy and storage system, you can keep your house powered even if there is a power outage.
PGE, the investor-owned utility in Oregon, also has a rebate program. For a customer who owns a PV system, you can get an upfront rebate of $1,200. And the Eugene Water and Electric Board offers a $0.40 per watt rebate.